The two optimizers you are looking at here are specifically made for slightly heavier (ride) cymbals. The difference from the regular optimizers is that the foam material is a little harder. This makes the material better able to handle the extra weight.
Cympad Optimizer is a type of cymbal washer designed to last for years, look good, and optimize the sound and movement of your cymbals. So when your cymbal stand felts need replacing, Cympad Optimizer cymbal washers are the replacement you should look at.
Cympad Optimizer is a must-have for any drummer who wants to improve the working conditions for their cymbals. The small piece of foam is designed to replace the traditional felt discs that are usually used to hold the cymbals in place. Cympad optimizers can also help protect your cymbals from damage by reducing friction between the cymbal and the stand. So if you want a better sound while also protecting your cymbals, Cympad Optimizer is the ideal choice for you as a drummer.
When you buy Ride Optimizers, there are 2 pieces in the package.